What is Nitradine?

Dental Tech Group Pick of the month is Nitradine. Our clinics are specialists in dentures so picking this months’ product/service was around what we do. Nitradine is recommended and used in our Dental Tech Group Denture clinics (Dublin, Waterford, Wexford). It’s with our Clinican’s approval that we do this blog.  

To prevent serious health problems it is essential to have good oral health. Excessive bacteria formed in the mouth can quickly get into the blood stream via gum tissue or abrasions in the mouth from poorly cleaned teeth, gums, or badly fitted dentures. The importance to clean and disinfect your denture is undeniable. 

So, what is Nitradine?  

Our dentists recommend Nitradine in our Denture clinics. Nitradine is the best and safe option to clean and disinfect your oral device, such as dentures.  

Nitradine is a Noncorrosive tablet that does not change the aspect of your device/denture. There is no colouring, discolouring, or altering the materials, including the metallic parts.  

This product disinfects and cleans devices with the following materials: acrylic dentures, metal chrome dentures, and flexible dentures. 


Having perfected their solution not to cause the user any harm or damage to the dentures, Nitradine is the most effective option. Not only will it save you time, but it will make less of a mess.  

Why is this tablet unique? 

The effervescent cleansing tablet has shown high in-vitro biofilm removal action against a range of micro-bacteria, such as Candida albicans and viruses.  


Does Nitradine contain alcohol? 

No, Nitradine does not contain alcohol. 

How to use Nitradine? 

  1. First, scrub and wash the denture as usual.
  2. In a glass/flat basin with water, submerge the denture.
  3. Insert one tablet into the water. It works in 15 minutes.
  4. Disinfect your dentures at least twice each week for 1 hour usingNitradineDenture Disinfectant tablets. Avoid leaving your dentures soaking overnight in any solution other than freshwater. 
  5. Do Leave denture’s out over night to allow the gums and tissue of your mouth to breathe. If you cannot leave out for this length, please leave out for at least 1 hour once a day to give the tissue under the denture a rest.
  6. Remove the denture from the solution and rinse out well under water before returning the denture to the mouth. If there is still has taste in your denture, you should place the denture in lukewarm water for 10 minutes.

Wondering on what our patients say about us? Read down below, if still not convinced call us for a free denture consultation.

“I was very happy with my treatment for dentures with Symona. Excellent for the cleaning.” 

It is important to practice good oral hygiene and to see a dentist regularly in order to avoid serious risk to your overall health. 

Feel free to call us on 01 455 1866 if you need a check-up consultation, a professional cleaning of your teeth/ dentures, or if you have any other questions. Alternatively email us at clinics@dentaltech.ie 

Here in Dental Tech, we have the most recent dental technology and over 50 years of experience, providing dentures that look natural and fit great. 

We offer a free denture consultation to discuss your options, call or go to our website to book in or ask at the reception. 


For your FREE denture consultation Call now on: 

Dublin: 01 455 1866 

Wexford: 053 919 2 999 

Waterford: 051 365 999 


Dentaltech, a second-generation family business founded in the 1970s, has evolved from a small lab in Templeogue to a leader in accessible dental services. Their team of 40 provides exceptional care in clinics across Dublin, Wexford, and Waterford.

Head Office

Whitehall House,
Whitehall Cl,
D6W AD93

Head Office Business Hours:

Mon-Fri : 8.30am-5.30pm

Tel: 01-455 1866

Email Us: clinics@dentaltech.ie

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