Nursing Home and Home Care

February 15, 2020by admin

Why has our service become so popular, and why we are so passionate about delivering care to this vulnerable group?

Wouldn’t you like your teeth brushed and your mouth cleaned if you were in a nursing home or unable to do this for yourself? What if it was difficult, what if you were unsure how to help or what to do? How do we fix lost or broken dentures? What happens with Dry mouth or when there are underlying medical conditions?  Does the mouth therefore go unchecked?  How would this make you feel and what can be done?

What we do? 

Dental Tech Group has paved the way for the new model in dentistry and how services are delivered and more importantly accessed by the ageing community, ie: in the comfort of their own nursing home or home!

Nutrition and food intake are vital to helping maintain health and wellbeing and the mouth is the portal and gateway to our overall health. 

We are renowned for delivering bespoke high-quality dentures and pain free dentistry for our patients to improve their quality of life and our portable service allows us to ensure access irrespective of a person’s mobility or underlying medical conditions.
The mouth is the portal to the entire body and it is vitally important that good oral health is part of someone’s overall care plan.
We provide easy to follow daily oral care plans to help promote a healthier mouth which has a direct impact on quality of life and we also carry our treatments necessary along with fitting and providing dentures where needed to help people eat, chew, speak and socialise with dignity and confidence!

How does this service work?

Nursing home and Home care -Dental and Denture services

Our caring team have over 50 years’ experience in the dental and denture field and this combined experience and expertise has ensued confidence in our service for many decades.

Our Dental and Denture Teams come fully equipped and ready to provide dental and denture care in the comfort of your nursing home; to help you eat and talk with dignity.

We will deliver an effective and easy to manage service irrespective of mobility.

All of our Dentists and Clinical Dental Technicians have an assistant with them, are Irish Dental Council Registered and Indemnified and are Garda vetted.

Why is this Service needed?

Hair, Nails, Appearance …

These are the things we can see and yes, they are so important to our overall wellbeing and how we feel. What about the things we can’t see though? The mouth is the window to the entire body and good oral health is key to ensuring quality of life. We carry out oral checks and examinations along with oral cancer screening, we provide a clear plan to help with daily care and improve oral health, not limited to this but also;

•Oral Health is directly linked to overall health 

•Poor Oral Health is linked to Pneumonia 

•Poor Oral health is linked to Systemic Disease 

•Insufficient chewing ability is linked to digestive issues 

Wouldn’t you like your teeth brushed and your mouth cleaned if you were unable to do this for yourself? What if it was difficult, or you were unsure how to help or what to do? How do we replace lost or broken dentures? What happens with Dry mouth or when there are underlying medical conditions?

Who and what we look after?

We are here to help, support and improve quality of life!

We can help with:

  • Resolving Sharp or Broken Teeth
  • Broken Dentures
  • Ill-fitting Dentures
  • Lost or Missing Dentures
  • Dry Mouth; a common side effect of medication
  • Plaque Build Up on Teeth
  • Recommending products that can assist and make oral care easier

Improving Quality of Life for elderly with limited mobility or Residents in Nursing Homes

We create an easy to manage daily oral care plan! During most Nursing Home visits we can complete any or a combination of the following, if required:

  • Oral Cancer Screening
  • Oral Exams/Check Up
  • All Denture Stages
  • New Better Fitting Dentures from the Start
  • Repairs/ Adding to Dentures
  • Non-Surgical Extractions
  • Teeth Cleaning / Scale & Polish

Benefits of annual oral care Plans

  • Proactive service – we look after everyone, not just those who present with an emergency
  • 2 visits per year per person for Exam and Clean
  • Emergency flow charts for your entire team 
  • Detailed individual Oral Care plans for each resident
  • Detailed treatment plans for each resident
  • Emergency callouts
  • Name of the patient into the new denture to reduce the stress of lost dentures 
  • Monthly Top tips for daily oral care 
  • No costs for drivers/taxis/buses or hassle for families to take client out/best in class service/ no staff costs for leaving premises to assist
  • We ensure HIQA compliance with our Oral Care Plans!

How do people book an appointment?

For Nursing Home enquiry

For Homecare enquiry

What geographical area do we cover?

Our Dental and Denture Teams come fully equipped and ready to provide dental and denture care in the comfort of your home or Nursing home; we supply At Home or Nursing home dental and denture services in Dublin, Kildare, Wicklow, Meath and Louth.

Family members and responsible parties are welcome to meet us during the evaluations to discuss any possible dental needs and recommended treatment plans for the elderly. Contact us for more information!

Dentaltech, a second-generation family business founded in the 1970s, has evolved from a small lab in Templeogue to a leader in accessible dental services. Their team of 40 provides exceptional care in clinics across Dublin, Wexford, and Waterford.

Head Office

Whitehall House,
Whitehall Cl,
D6W AD93

Head Office Business Hours:

Mon-Fri : 8.30am-5.30pm

Tel: 01-455 1866

Email Us:

Clinics Opening Hours
